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Samir Musayev

Founder & former chairman

Vytautas Magnus University
(MSc Political Sciences and Diplomacy)
Kaunas University of Technology
(MSc Business Economy)

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Shahsuvar Hajizada

Former chairman

Kaunas University of Technology
(MSc Marketing Management)

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Khidir Kazimov

Current chairman
(2016 - present)

Vilnius University
(MSc International Communication)

Our Latest Blogs

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“What do I know about Azerbaijan?” essay contest

“What I know about Azerbaijan?” essay writing contest every year since 2011, is held jointly by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the diplomatic […]

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“NASIMI 650” 2nd Summer Camp of Diaspora Youth

“NASIMI 650”
2nd Summer Camp of Diaspora Youth
Shamakhy, Azerbaijan
The Fund for Support to Azerbaijani Diaspora under the State Committee on Work with Diaspora of the Republic of Azerbaijan is pleased to invite young Azerbaijan diaspora representatives abroad to the 2nd […]

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The Erasmus+ “Migration: Exploring Future Society” project

Migration: Exploring Future Society” project intends to discover, discuss and deal with migration-related topics in EU and EECA region. The project covers two parts: training course and youth exchange. Training course which was the first stage of the project took […]

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ADA Universitetinin tələbələri “Support to Establishment of MA in EU Studies” proqramı çərçivəsində Litvada səfərdə olublar

ADA Universiteti tələbələri “Support to Establishment of MA in EU Studies” proqramı çərçivəsində Litvanın Kaunas Texnologiya Universitetində iştirak ediblər. ADA tələbələri Litva və iştirak etdikləri layihə barədə Azərbaycan Respublikasının Litva Respublikasındakı səfiri cənab Həsən Məmmədzadə ilə görüşdə təəssüratlarını bölüşüblər. Daha […]

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Agreement on Dual Diploma between Azerbaijan State University of Economics and Mykolas Romeris University has been signed

On May 29 Rector of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), Professor Adalat Muradov has visited the Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) of Lithuania. There was a meeting with Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius and discussed about possibilities for cooperation […]

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99th anniversary of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

99 years have passed since the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic – the first democratic republic – was established in the East.
The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was declared on May 28, 1918 in Tbilisi by the Azerbaijan National Council headed by Mahammad Amin Rasulzade.
The Declaration […]

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Vilnüsdə 28 May – Respublika Günü münasibətilə rəsmi qəbul təşkil olunub

Mayın 23-də Azərbaycanın Litvadakı səfirliyində 28 May – Respublika Gününə həsr olunmuş rəsmi qəbul təşkil edilib.
Qəbulda Litva Seyminin vitse-spikeri İrena Şiauliene, təhsil və elm naziri Yurqita Petrauskiene, Seymin insan hüquqları komitəsinin sədri, Seymdə Azərbaycanla parlamentlərarası əlaqələr üzrə qrupun rəhbəri Valerius […]

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2nd International Children’s Art Competition “The Magic of Friendship”

2nd Children’s International Art Competition “The Magic of friendship” will be held with the slogan ”Customs and traditions of my country”. THEMES: national customs and traditions national holidays national costumes national games national musical instruments national cuisine ORGANIZERS: Views count (4037) Read More
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94th birthday anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev

Azerbaijan marks the 94th birthday anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.
The anniversary of the Azerbaijan’s nationwide leader is marked in the country. Various events are being held in many countries on the occasion of the Heydar Aliyev’s anniversary.
Heydar Alirza […]

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