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Let's build strong friendship bridge together

Feature image
Samir Musayev

Founder & former chairman

Vytautas Magnus University
(MSc Political Sciences and Diplomacy)
Kaunas University of Technology
(MSc Business Economy)

Feature image
Shahsuvar Hajizada

Former chairman

Kaunas University of Technology
(MSc Marketing Management)

Feature image
Khidir Kazimov

Current chairman
(2016 - present)

Vilnius University
(MSc International Communication)

Our Latest Blogs

Establishment Ceremony of AYOL

Dekabr ayının 11-ində, Holiday İnn Hotel-ində AYOL-un təqdimat gecəsi keçiriləcəkdir. Tədbirdə 100 nəfərə yaxın Azərbaycanlı və Litvalı gənclər  ilə yanaşı həmçinin rəsmi qonaqların iştirakı gözlənilir. Təşrif buyuracaq rəsmilər sırasında Azərbaycan Respublikasının fövqəladə və səlahiyyətli səfiri cənab Həsən Məmmədzadə, Litva Respublikasının […]

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Azerbaijan in Charity Bazaar

In Rotuse, which is located in the center of Vilnius, this year for the 10th time, welcomed an Internation Charity Bazaar. Embassies located in Vilnius, took part in this event as well as the international organizations and press representatives. Embassies’ […]

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Protest of Azerbaijani Students in Kaunas

On 8th of November, Azerbaijani Youth Organization of Lithuania gathered Azerbaijani students living in Kaunas to organize a peaceful protest action in the main alley of the city against the recent visit of Kaunas Kamerinis Theater to Nagorno – Karabagh […]

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Summer Camp in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani-Lithuanian Youth Summer Camp took place in Azerbaijan between 24-31st of August of 2012. First of all, the organizational committee started with a greeting speech where an importance of creative mind exchanges between participants was emphasized.
The camp started from the […]

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Novruz Holiday in Kaunas city

The Azerbaijani students who study in Kaunas city of Lithuania, organized Noruz Holiday event and gathered all azerbaijani who live in Lithuania. The initiative group of azerbaijani students by gotten the support of the embassy of Azerbaijan Republic in Lithuania, celebrated Noruz […]

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Remembering Khojaly Tragedy

As every year, regardless of where we are, Azerbaijani youth activist gather together to commemorate Khojaly tragedy, and spread the fact all over the world. Remaining faithful, to their tradition, Azerbaijani students living and studying in Lithuania, didn’t miss the […]

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Movie Night in Kaunas

Very soon after their first arrival to Lithuania for study purposes, Azerbaijani students, organized an Azerbaijani movie night. In the beginning, current Press-Secretary of AYOL – Aysel Sultan made a detailed presentation about the National Cinematography, where she spoke about […]

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